
Sunday, November 28, 2010

css nav

Style the Navigation list

A list is used for navigation because it is good semantics.

The list is wrapped with a div with appropriate id:

Style the list, first remove the default style (bullets)

#nav ul{



then give the list items a bottom border

#nav li{

border-bottom: 1px dotted #B2BCC6;


then style the link as display:block (instead of the default inline, see ).

#nav a{



CSS layout

  • To make the container div at the center of the page:
  1. give it width (otherwise it will be Auto or 100%)
  2. margin-left:auto;
  • 3 columns layout div:
  1. header div is normal with width (or optional width if you use a wrapper div)
  2. left div has (float:left) (should has width)
  3. main div (float:left) (should has width)
  4. right div (float:right) (should has width)
  5. bottom div has clear both (should have height)
Tip: positioning with float, need the elements be in the right order (2,3 can be swapped)